Working on fork and upstream

When you fork a repo, Github makes your own copy of the project. If you forked Rails in 2014, your fork is now 2 years outdated unless you synced it with the original repo (called upstream).

In this post, I'll show the efficient way to sync your fork with the upstream.

When I clone my fork, I create two upstreams: for my fork and for the upstream (original repo).

$ git clone
$ cd rails
# create remote for the original repo
$ git remote add upstream

And then comes my awesome script that updates my fork:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# set bash to strict mode
set -eu
set -v

# make sure we're on master
git checkout master
# pull original repo
git fetch upstream
# sync your master with upstream master and force push
git reset --hard upstream/master
git push origin master --force

I put that script to ~/.bin/sync-upstream with ~/.bin added to my $PATH. Now I can call sync-upstream from any directory.

I have two usecases to use the script:

  1. When my PR was merged and I'd like to get a fresh master that includes my changes
  2. When I haven't been working on the project for a while and I want to make sure that I don't sent new PR based on the old codebase.

Happy forking!

Written in November 2016.
Kir Shatrov

Kir Shatrov helps businesses to grow by scaling the infrastructure. He writes about software, scalability and the ecosystem. Follow him on Twitter to get the latest updates.