For past week, I have been working on encryption solution for a Rails app.
The requirement was to encrypt chosen fields like ssn
of an ActiveRecord model.
I've research a variety of solutions, including attr_encrypted and encryptor gems.
I want to show a simple way of encryption that combines ActiveRecord::Base.serialize
and OpenSSL::Cipher
, which comes with the Ruby stdlib.
Few things to bear in mind:
- this kind of encryption helps only in case when your database is stolen
- if hacker gets access to Rails console or
, you're hacked - you may want to use IV and salt for sensitive data
- by using Marshal, our encrypted field can store instance of any class (Date, Time, whatever!)
{% highlight ruby %}
module Crypt class << self def encrypt(value) crypt(:encrypt, value) end
def decrypt(value) crypt(:decrypt, value) end def encryption_key ENV.fetch('ENCRYPTION_KEY') end ALGO = 'aes-256-cbc'.freeze def crypt(cipher_method, value) cipher = cipher.send(cipher_method) cipher.pkcs5_keyivgen(encryption_key) result = cipher.update(value) result << end
end end
custom coder for Rails serialized attribute
more examples:
encrypted value has to be stored as base64 because it's not UTF-safe
class EncryptedCoder def load(value) return if value.nil?
Marshal.load( Crypt.decrypt( Base64.decode64(value)))
def dump(value) Base64.encode64( Crypt.encrypt( Marshal.dump(value))) end end
class WowSuchSecureModel < ActiveRecord::Base serialize :ssn, end {% endhighlight %}
Done! You can use EncryptedCoder
in any model.
A quick demo:
{% highlight ruby %} pry(main)> model = WowSuchSecureModel.create(ssn: "11-22-333") (0.2ms) BEGIN SQL (13.2ms) INSERT INTO "table" ("ssn", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING "id" [["ssn", "S9CTpTxsuG1mFExrFzyy1XD1qtxpiTKGOiopvFhuuwY=\n"], ["created_at", "2015-12-18 21:52:24.425346"], ["updated_at", "2015-12-18 21:52:24.425346"]] (7.5ms) COMMIT => #<WowSuchSecureModel:0x007f803a19f4f8 id: 4, ssn: "11-22-333", created_at: Fri, 18 Dec 2015 21:52:24 UTC +00:00, updated_at: Fri, 18 Dec 2015 21:52:24 UTC +00:00> pry(main)> model.ssn => "11-22-333" pry(main)> WowSuchSecureModel.last.ssn => "11-22-333" pry(main)> WowSuchSecureModel.last.ssn_before_type_cast => "S9CTpTxsuG1mFExrFzyy1XD1qtxpiTKGOiopvFhuuwY=\n" {% endhighlight %}